A Typical Day at CitC
Information for Volunteers
What is a day at camp like?
Below is an example of what a day at Camp in the Cloud might look like. Please note that activities vary between camps.
Some Camp in the Clouds may be in conjunction with one of our partners (such as DRWF and Allergy UK). These camps will have Partner run sessions included during the day.
Therapeutic Recreation
We offer a wide variety of engaging and fun activities at our camps, all of which are specifically designed to develop confidence and self-esteem. The activities we offer vary from camp to camp, and all activities are adapted to be accessible for all campers. All our activities are built around our model of Therapeutic Recreation – a four step process of Challenge, Success, Reflection and Discovery.
A Typical Day at Camp in the Cloud!
Families receive their login details. You will also receive yours on the morning of camp.
Welcome Live Activity
Live Zoom activity where families meet.
Morning Activity
Pre-Recorded activity
Younger Camper Activity
Live Zoom call for younger campers to join an activity together.
Open Zoom Lunch Call
Bring your lunch to the the screen for a chat.
Dance Party!
Vote for your favourite song and dance along live!
Afternoon Activity
An Escape Room that you can find and conquer on the platform
Partner Calls With Families
Partners arrange a live activity.
Evening Activity
Families take part in the OTW quiz!
Adult OR Teen Time
A chance for teens to try origami together OR adults to meet with the partners.