Friends of Over The Wall Camp
Be part of Over The Wall by joining our Friends of Over The Wall group
Friends of Over The Wall Camp
Join Over The Wall Camp supporters from all around the UK and sign up for our e-newsletter. We’ll send you regular emails packed with information about our work and updates about some of our camps and experiences.
The details you provide will be used to send you email updates about our work, products, services, and how you can support us, including fundraising activities and research.
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In order to communicate with you more effectively and better understand your preferences and ability to support our work, we may analyse your data. You can request that we stop this at any time by contacting us using the details given. For more details about how we use your information, please visit our privacy section.
We will only share your information within the Over The Wall Camp charity and never with a third party.
You can opt-out of communications or change your preferences at any time by contacting us via email or phoning 02392 477 110.