Leave a Gift in your Will

Leaving a gift in your Will can change the lives of children years to come

You can be the reason a seriously ill child smiles and high-fives a new friend after years of hospital visits.

You can be the reason a seriously ill child runs with wild abandon in a game of ‘Newman’s Castle.’

You can be the reason a seriously ill child’s parents feel safe enough to leave them, for a week of respite

You can be the reason Over The Wall has a permanent home for years to come

"When you rely on others for so much, completely new environments and people are a scary prospect especially when you’re only eight years old. Despite this, my daughter just returned from her first Over the Wall Residential Camp, where she embraced each day, made new friends, advocated for herself & had serious fun!"
Camper Parent

We all have financial commitments in the here-and-now, which means we can’t always do as much as we’d like to help the causes close to us in our lifetime. So, a gift in your Will, even just 1% of your estate – or any figure you choose – is a chance to give more than you ever thought possible, and gives us the confidence in knowing we’ll be supported in the years and decades to come.  

If you’re interested in including us in your Will, please get in touch below:

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