Camp Partnerships

Together, we can achieve more

Become a Camp Partner

At Over The Wall Camp we are passionate about collaboration and focusing on the synergy between charities to provide a more joined-up approach to children’s illness. We understand that providing activity camps for seriously ill children and young people is a high risk activity, particularly as the regulatory requirements become ever more rigorous and complex and many charities do not have the capacity, budget or skills to take this on. Let Over The Wall support you on this journey.

Group of Over The Wall Volunteers

How we can help you

By linking with us, an Ofsted rated ‘Outstanding’ children’s charity, you will enter into a partnership that is guaranteed to deliver mutually-beneficial rewards – helping you meet your strategic objectives and deliver specific outcomes. We contribute to two-thirds of the cost of camp, we assess the campers, prepare, organise, manage and deliver camp. A dedicated partnerships manager will be on-hand during your time with us.

The all important FAQs

How much does it cost partner charities? Where do camps take place? How does Over The Wall guarantee quality? All this and more answered in the FAQs document below. Got a question we haven’t answered here? Our dedicated partnerships manager will be on-hand to answer your questions.

Newman's Own SeriouslyFun Box packing days
Camper on zip wire at Over The Wall Camp

Benefits to your charity

Working in partnership with Over The Wall will:

What happens at camp?

Our Partners have included:

"Can't express enough how brilliant these guys are. To see your child who's struggling with so many health issues come off a residential with a smile that looked a thousand miles wide melted my heart every single time. I will always be eternally grateful to Over The Wall for being a part of my boy's life."
Camper Parent

Get in touch

Fill out the form or use the details below to get in touch.

Meg Southerton
Assistant Camp Director – Partnerships
02392 477110