Additional Information CitC

Information for Volunteers

Additional Information

Camp in the Cloud Login

You will receive your Camp in the Cloud login at 9.30 am on the day of camp. When you receive this we ask that you upload a picture of yourself in your OTW t-shirt so campers know who you are.

We would also recommend having a good explore so you can see what the campers will be doing and have some fun playing the games yourself! If you ever have any trouble logging in just click forgot password and pop your email in and submit. This will then send you a new link to create a new password to get you onto the platform.


Volunteers at Over The Wall Residential Camp

Before camp, all volunteers will be sent a link to complete a comprehensive Camp in the Cloud e-learning course. This will include an overview of the camp content, online safety, safeguarding policy and behavioural support guidance, with a quick quiz at the end.

There will also be virtual training where a comprehensive programme will cover:

  • The camp schedule and activities
  • Over The Wall values and therapeutic recreation model
  • Plan for interactive sessions
  • Guidance if something goes wrong
Online Safety

It is important that camp is a safe space for campers/ families in all activities and for this reason please ensure the following checks are carried out before joining any camps:

  • Your device is protected by anti-virus software
  • Your background is appropriate (preferably plain with no personal items displayed)
  • Your microphone and camera are working
  • Your internet signal is good in the location you have chosen
  • You are ideally wearing a camp t-shirt (Over The Wall orange adventure t-shirt)

For more information about online safety please read our policy here.