This year, we worked hard to developed Camp in the Cloud, an interactive online platform designed specifically for seriously ill children and their families. We developed this as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the cancellation of our camps to try and bring, as much as is possible, the joy and magic of our physical camps into our families’ homes.
Camp in the Cloud officially launched at the start of July, and many campers have completed their very first virtual camp. We have heard amazing feedback about their experiences and have received many messages on social media, with children and families showing their love for the new platform.

Each of our campers received a box through the post before they logged on to the platform which was full of activities and included a camp T-shirt in their team colour. Camp in the Cloud activities includes arts and crafts, STEM activities, problem solving, dance parties, free flow games, and Cabin Chat in the evenings with volunteers, staff, and campers enjoying a hot chocolate and chat.
“I really enjoyed still having cabin chats and challenging the other teams. It gave everyone a sense of belonging in a team and some mischief with challenges.” – Camper

In light of the cancellation of 2020 camps due to COVID 19, we were determined to create an alternative programme that would still provide the magic of camp to our seriously ill campers. The aim of Camp in the Cloud is very much the same as our physical camps; to provide an interactive experience that builds relationships, reduces social isolation, builds confidence through campers trying new things, and provides a safe space for fun and challenging activities that will create lasting memories.
“The whole experience has allowed for an independent experience over the past 3 days – a real confidence boost after 3 months of home schooling with me breathing down her neck to achieve anything. I have loved seeing what ‘A’ has been able to follow and self-create. Thank you.” – Camper Parent

We are thrilled to have been able to bring this unique and innovative platform to the homes of our beneficiaries, where many children and families are shielding during this tricky time. We can’t wait for our next set of campers to login and experience the mischief and magic of Camp in the Cloud in their own homes!

Once again, we’d like to thank all of our funders and supporters who made this possible – it could not have been done without their help. We still need your support to ensure that we can continue to deliver the joy and magic of camp to our camper families through these unprecedented times. Sign up to receive the latest news and information about the ways you can get involved.
A special thank you to our major funders: BBC Children In Need, St James Place Charitable Foundation, Tesco Bags of Help, The Rank Foundation, Newman’s Own Foundation, Shared Care Scotland’s Short Breaks Fund, Takeda, The Masonic Charitable Foundation and The Kentown Wizard Foundation.