GamesAid: we need your vote!

Over The Wall has been shortlisted as one of nine charities that could benefit from the funds raised by the UK games industry charity, GamesAid 

Now we need your vote! 

If you, or anyone you know, works in the games industry (or is studying anything video game related at university), you can help by voting for Over The Wall. You can register to vote now by clicking the link below. You will then be asked to vote from 30th July, with voting closing 15 August 2019. 

In 2017, Over The Wall was successful and received almost £70k of funding from GamesAid, which had an enormous impact on our charity and significantly increased the number of children that experienced our camps 

In 2018 we were unfortunately not successful, but this year, we hope to gain enough votes to qualify, so that even more children with serious illness can experience the mischief and magic of camp.  

As a charity, GamesAid acts an umbrella to support many smaller charities, all of which help to support disadvantaged and disabled children. GamesAid funds are raised in a number of ways including industry activities, social or sporting events, individual and corporate donations and memberships, game compilations sold at retail, digital download bundles and sales of donated games memorabilia on eBay.  

If you work in the games industry, or know someone who does, registration is simple, free and takes just 30 seconds.  

Please visit to register as a member of the gaming industry and vote for us when you receive your voting card before 15 August – or share this page with people you know in the industry. 

Voting cards will be sent via email directly from GamesAid 

GamesAid voting closes in:

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